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Bart Landheer (1956) is a Dutch industrial designer and photographer is working from his studios in the Netherlands and in Bonaire, a small island of the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean.
Bart is co-founder of SC Adviesgroep BV (1980), one of the established retail- and packaging design-offices in the Netherlands. As managing director of SC Adviesgroep Bart has overall responsibility for design, the office's strategies, finances and operations. He supervises all of the retail- and packaging designwork for major Dutch retailers both in food, drogmetics, non-food and BtB.
In 2004 Bart rediscovered his passion for photography and mastered working digital. He is fascinated by both the creative challenge and the cutting-edge techniques that needs to be mastered to realise high-end digital results.
His work shows the experienced eye for composition and the exeptional use of color. Clients appreciate his input as well renowned designer and Barts years of experience in creating quality pre-press ouput, thus adding an extra dimension to the results.
As part-time residents of Bonaire, Bart & Jacqueline Bremmers-Landheer are involved philantropists who care for projects about children, education and the environment. To help fundraising for local organisations, they plan and execute several photography projects.
Store concept and implementation of 120 Praxis Bouwmarkten (DIYstores). Consultant to the board on strategy, marketing communication, TV. Ongoing design of more than 2000 Praxis (private label) packaging designs.
Business process re-enginering, resulting in flex-working design office; all designers and staff are working from their private studios and keep in contact over the internet.
Store concept and implementation of 800 DA-drogisten (drugstores). Strategy, marketing communication, TV.
Over 800 DA (private label) packaging designs.
Refocus on design and sales of non-design companies.Buy-out of former partners.
Diversification of SC Adviesgroep into product development, (giftproducts,) publishing (magazines in the UK) and a trading company.
Store concept and implementation of 400 Super de Boer supermarkets. Strategy, marketing communication, radio, TV. Over 2500 Super (private label) packaging designs.
Business consulting retail development & research for Saab & Volvo Sweden, various retail organisations like Ahold (Netherlands), GB-Inno (Belgium), Dagrofa (Denmark) etc
Co-founder and managing director of SC Adviesgroep BV.
Education 1981-2007
Business economics, asset-management, client networks, digital graphics, webdesign, color management, digital photography.
Aditional marketing studies. (NIMA)
Design Academy Eindhoven (Academy for Industrial Design), the Netherlands. BA of Arts Industrial Design major in marketing, product presentation (photography) and retail- packaging design.
Phone +31 (0)6 1071 9630